Posting an ad on SL ADS is quick and easy! Simply click the REGISTER and provide your Name, Contact, Email and Password You will receive a VERIFICATION EMAIL from us. Verify it and Access to your account then click POST AD If you are not already logged in, you will need to login as the first step of posting your ad Your ad will go live at that moment and our Admin will manually check each and every ads.
To delete an ad, please go to your dashboard >your ads > select 'x' to delete your ad
Yes Admin can add custom fields as many as they want
Adforest is bulid up with latest trends and coading standards. Yes it's fully customizable with visual composer
Adforest is fully customizable ypu can create whatever you want.
Yes Each user will have there own page and dashboard . And its compatible with Wocommerce.
Yes This theme is Google AdSense supported.Even you can use Image ads if you don't want to use Google AdSense.
Yes Adforest come's with complete Messages solution. You just need to go to your dashboard to see all conversations
Yes From theme options you can select add will be approved automatically or on approval
All Registered user can post free ads, And IF user want to post featured ads then user must need to purchase a plan.
Yes from back end you can change currency options